

The Ultimate Guide to Workspace Ergonomics

(In other words, how to work without the hurt)

Random question before we get into the nitty gritty of creating a comfortable and productive workspace: How well do you sleep on an airplane? If you answered ‘not well at all’ then join the club. (Unless you’re a first-class frequent flyer, of course). We can generally handle the sore back, cricked neck and discomfort of an overnight flight because it doesn’t happen that often, right? But when the holiday’s over and you’re back at work, with months to go before your next break, how do you feel about 8 hours of discomfort then? Daily discomfort no less?

Some of us spend as much time at our desks in a 24-hour period as we do in bed, and yet we put up with workspaces that cause us long-term discomfort and no doubt make us less focused, motivated and efficient. Crazy, no?